Wednesday, January 25, 2012

$30 Challenge- Week 5

Here is how I did during Week 4

Martins:  $42.53 - I'm blaming $20 of this on the Man of the house
Walgreens $5.15
Martins:  $3.08
CVS:  $14.98
Rite Aid:  $1.14
Total: $66.88
Not exactly close on my goal of $30.00.  I'm really struggling with this. 

So here are some thoughts for this week. 
  • I did an inventory of what we had in our home for dinner time this week and planned out a menu.  Using what we already have and putting it on paper will hopefully help with last minute, full priced additions or take out.  Make a menu plan for the week.  I used a free printable from I Heart Organizing (whom I'm still stalking) I used "A Peek at the Week".
  • Also, shop less with people who aren't on board with getting the best price for everything (I won't mention any names)  Stick to the plan STAN...
P.S.  I'm really going to try extra hard this week.  I think it may help that I have dinner planned for the week and there aren't many great deals... However, I do need to stock up on my Diet Coke... Ughh, that will cut into my budget, but totally worth it.  At least I got Diapers out of the way last week.

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